Sunday, July 29, 2012

Sunday, Bloggy Sunday

Did you read "My First Blog Post... Evah" that I wrote last week?  I would hope that you did, even though I have, yet, to receive any comments, followers or likes.  I know my husband read it.  At least I got one person's attention. Two words for you:  Domestic influence (grin).

After writing my second post, "A Beginners Guide For Joining Pinterest", I thought I'd go out seeking followers and readers to try and establish myself in the Blogospere.  What I found was astounding and should have been enough to cause me to close my blog and block any and all sites that lead me to a blog just because it was so very disheartening.  Of course it didn't, it only led me back to my blog today to write about my findings.

According to a 2008 Technorati blog, there was an estimated 184 Million blogs.  Two more words for you:  What?  and Wow!!!  And that was 2008... four years ago. And it only included those blogs being tracked.  The 2011 Technorati "State of the Blogosphere" report doesn't even give a number of blogs being tracked, only statistics, which in and of itself is pretty daunting.

Being that I consider my blog a typical "mom-blog", a self-explanatory title, I decided to focus mainly on my competition sister bloggers and see what's trending.  One word for you:  Giveaway. It seems a large majority of mom-blogs involve product reviews and giveaways.  Here, the mom contacts a merchant or manufacturer, agrees to write a review on a product if the merchant / manufacturer provides two or more of the product; one for the review and one or more to give away.  The idea being to promote the blog and the product at the same time.  

A win-win situation right?  For the blogger and merchant / manufacturer, yes. For the reader and/or giveaway contestant, not so much.  Chances are you have to enter using a popular multiple entry program like Rafflecoptera giveaway application that helps bloggers create, run and organize giveaways on their sites.  

After doing some research on Rafflecopter, I've discovered it's a fantastic way for people who enter blog giveaways to cheat the system.  If a entrant clears their cache each day, they can go back and re-enter each giveaway.  Rafflecopter has recently updated their software to catch cheaters who create multiple illegal entries, but they left it up to the blogger to delete multiple entrants. Do they all do this?  Two words for you:  Highly unlikely.

Another tidbit that I discovered is how mom-blogs have joined together to force you to follow other blogs on Facebook in order to enter these giveaways.  For instance, this past week I entered a few different blog giveaways that used Rafflecopter for entering.  I was forced to Like so many different blogs on Facebook that in one week I went from liking three blogs to over 415! One more word:  Ridiculous. 

If I wanted to Follow or Like 415 blogs, I would prefer to do it myself.  I guess I won't be winning any blog giveaways in the near future.  Mainly because I refuse to enter and follow thousands of useless blogs whose obvious only desire is to get the most followers and likes. Another word for you: Overkill.

All I want you to do is Read My Blog.  Like me on Facebook if you want.  Follow me on Twitter if you want.  You can even comment below.  I won't force you.  I may do a giveaway someday but I won't use Rafflecopter. I don't want to force thousands of people to Like or Follow me because I do a giveaway.  I want people (I want YOU) to come to my blog because you like what I write.  But I will give you one more word as an incentive... Please!!!

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